Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Black-winged Stilt 黑翅长脚鹬/高跷鸻

Order 目 - Charadriiformes 鸻形目
Family 科 - Recurvirostridae 反嘴鹬科

Black-winged Stilt
Himantopus himantopus
黑翅长脚鹬 (hēi-chì cháng-jiǎo yù) / 高跷鸻 (gāo-qiāo-héng)

Malay 马来语 : Kedidi Kaki-Panjang Asia
Japanese 日语 : セイタカシギ (sei-taka shigi)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 背高鷸 / 背高鴫

      体长 : 35 – 40 厘米; 体重 : 166 – 205 克 (mean of all races)
      Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Himantopus himantopus himantopus (Linnaeus, 1758) – Black-winged Stilt
    – France and Iberia S to sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, and E to C Asia and NC China, Indian Subcontinent (including Sri Lanka), Indochina and Taiwan; winters S to Africa, Middle East and S & SE Asia to Borneo and Philippines.
  • Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus (Gould, 1837) – Pied Stilt
    – S Sumatra and Java E to New Guinea, and S to Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand; winters N to Philippines, Greater Sundas and Sulawesi, and as far as Sri Lanka.
  • Himantopus himantopus knudseni (Stejneger, 1887) – Hawaiian Stilt
    – Hawaiian Is.
  • Himantopus himantopus mexicanus (Statius Müller, 1776) – Black-necked Stilt
    – W & S USA through Central America and West Indies to Colombia, N Venezuela, Galapagos, E Ecuador to SW Peru, and NE Brazil.
  • Himantopus himantopus melanurus (Vieillot, 1817) – White-backed Stilt
    – Chile and EC Peru through Bolivia and Paraguay to SE Brazil, and S to SC Argentina.

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Malim Nawar Wetland, Daerah Kampar 金宝县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Malim Nawar Wetland, Daerah Kampar 金宝县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (成鸟 & 蛋)
拍摄地点:Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (成鸟 & 蛋)
拍摄地点:Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (成鸟 & 蛋)
拍摄地点:Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (成鸟 & 蛋)
拍摄地点:Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (成鸟 & 蛋)
拍摄地点:Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Seberang Perak Paddyfield, Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus
拍摄地点:Seberang Perak Paddyfield, Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus
拍摄地点:Malim Nawar Wetland 双溪古月湿地, Daerah Kampar 金宝县, Perak 霹雳州

Himantopus himantopus ssp. himantopus (幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Sungai Balang Paddyfield 双溪巴浪稻田区, Mukim Sungai Balang 双溪巴浪巫金, Daerah Muar 麻坡县, Johor 柔佛州

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