Friday, July 29, 2022

Ruddy Kingfisher 赤翡翠

Order 目 - Coraciiformes 佛法僧目
Family 科 - Alcedinidae 翠鸟科

Ruddy Kingfisher
Halcyon coromanda
赤翡翠 (chì fěi-cuì)

    Malay : Pekaka Belacan
    Japanese : アカショウビン (aka shōbin) / ミズコイドリ (mizu-koi-dori) /
                      ミヤマショウビン (miyama shōbin)
    Kanji 日語漢字 : 水恋鳥 / 深山翡翠 / 赤翡翠

      体长 : 25 厘米; Male 雄 73 – 80 克, Unsexed adults 60 – 92 克 (Peninsular Malaysia)
      Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Halcyon coromanda major (Temminck & Schlegel, 1848)
    – extreme NE China (Jilin), Korea and Japan (Hokkaido S to Kyoto); migrates S to Philippines, Borneo and Talaud Is.
  • Halcyon coromanda bangsi (Oberholser, 1915)
    – Ryukyu Is (S from Tokara Is); migrates S to Philippines and Talaud Is.
  • Halcyon coromanda coromanda (Latham, 1790)
    – Nepal and West Bengal (NE India) E to N Myanmar, SC China (S Yunnan) and N Vietnam, and S to S Thailand; N populations winter S to Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Java.
  • Halcyon coromanda mizorhina (Oberholser, 1915)
    – Andaman Is; putative specimen from Nicobars not accepted.
  • Halcyon coromanda minor (Temminck & Schlegel, 1848)
    – S Thailand (from about Isthmus of Kra) S to Sumatra (including Simeulue I, Batu Is, Mentawai Is), Riau Archipelago, Bangka and Belitung, Java and Borneo.
  • Halcyon coromanda linae (Hubbard & duPont, 1974)
    – Palawan (SW Philippines).
  • Halcyon coromanda claudiae (Hubbard & duPont, 1974)
    – Tawitawi and Sanga-Sanga (Sulu Archipelago).
  • Halcyon coromanda rufa (Wallace, 1863)
    – Talaud and Sangihe Is S to Sulawesi and offshore islands (Talisei, Lembeh, Togian Is, Muna, Butung).
  • Halcyon coromanda pelingensis (Neumann, 1939)
    – Banggai Is (Peleng, Banggai, Labobo).
  • Halcyon coromanda sulana (Mees, 1970)
    – Sula Is (Taliabu, Seho, Mangole, Sanana).

Halcyon coromanda ssp. coromanda (幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Port Memancing Kampung Sungai Danga, Bandar Johor Bahru 新山市,
Daerah Johor Bahru 新山县, Johor 柔佛州

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