Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Little Pied Flycatcher 小斑姬鹟

Order 目 - Passeriformes 雀形目
Family 科 - Muscicapidae 鹟科

Little Pied Flycatcher
Ficedula westermanni
小斑姬鹟 (xiǎo bān-jī-wēng)

Malay 马来语 : Sambar Gunung Biasa
Japanese 日语 : ハジロマユヒタキ (ha-jiro mayu hitaki) / ハジロマユビタキ (ha-jiro mayu bitaki)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 羽白眉鶲

      体长 : 10 - 11 厘米, 体重 : 7 - 8 克
      Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Ficedula westermanni collini (Rothschild, 1925)
    – breeds C Himalayas from N India (Himachal Pradesh) E to C Nepal; non-breeding in foothills and NE India.
  • Ficedula westermanni australorientis (Ripley, 1952)
    – breeds E Himalayas (E from C Nepal) E to Sikkim and NE India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam S to Meghalaya), SC China (SE Xizang, N & S Yunnan, S Guizhou, Guangxi), Myanmar, N & SC Thailand, N & C Laos and NW Vietnam; non-breeding also Bangladesh.
  • Ficedula westermanni langbianis (Kloss, 1927)
    – S Laos (Bolovens Plateau) and SC Vietnam (Langbian).
  • Ficedula westermanni westermanni (Sharpe, 1888)
    – Malay Peninsula, N Sumatra, Borneo, S Philippines (Mindanao), Sulawesi (except S), Sula Is (Taliabu) and Moluccas (Bacan, Seram).
  • Ficedula westermanni rabori (Ripley, 1952)
    – N & C Philippines (Luzon, Mindoro, Panay, Negros).
  • Ficedula westermanni palawanensis (Ripley & Rabor, 1962)
    – S Palawan (Mt Victoria, Mt Mantalingajan), in W Philippines.
  • Ficedula westermanni hasselti (Finsch, 1898)
    – S Sumatra, Java, Bali, S Sulawesi and W & C Lesser Sundas (Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Alor).
  • Ficedula westermanni mayri (Ripley, 1952)
    – Wetar and Timor, in E Lesser Sundas.

Ficedula westermanni ssp. westermanni (幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Heritage Hotel, Mukim Tanah Rata 丹那拉打巫金,
Daerah Cameron Highlands 金马伦高原县, Pahang 彭亨州

Ficedula westermanni ssp. westermanni (幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Heritage Hotel, Mukim Tanah Rata 丹那拉打巫金,
Daerah Cameron Highlands 金马伦高原县, Pahang 彭亨州

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