Saturday, October 22, 2022

Common Barn-owl 仓鸮

Order - Strigiformes 鸮形目
Family - Tytonidae 草鸮科

Common Barn-owl
Tyto alba
仓鸮 (cāng-xiāo)

Malay 马来语 : Serak Biasa
Japanese 日语 : メンフクロウ (men-fukurō)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 面梟

    Taxonomy update for 2013
Barn Owl Tyto alba is split, with the very localized island archipelago endemic Andaman Masked-Owl being split from the globally distributed and very familiar species Barn Owl :
- Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
- Andaman Masked-Owl (Tyto deroepstorffi)

      体长 : 29 – 44 厘米
      Subspecies and Distribution 亚成 & 地理分布
  • Tyto alba detorta (E. J. O. Hartert, 1913) – Cape Verde Barn-owl
    – Cape Verde Is.
  • Tyto alba thomensis (Hartlaub, 1852) – Sao Tome Barn-owl
    – São Tomé I; reports from Príncipe I erroneous.
  • Tyto alba schmitzi (E. J. O. Hartert, 1900)
    – Madeira and Porto Santo.
  • Tyto alba gracilirostris (E. J. O. Hartert, 1905)
    – E Canary Is (Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Lobos, Montaña Clara, Alegranza).
  • Tyto alba poensis (Fraser, 1843)
    – Bioko I.
  • Tyto alba affinis (Blyth, 1862)
    – Africa S from S edge of Sahara, including Zanzibar and Pemba, and Madagascar and
    Comoro Is.
  • Tyto alba alba (Scopoli, 1769) – Western Barn-owl
    – W & S Europe (including Balearic Is and Sicily) to N Turkey; also W Canary Is (Tenerife,
    Gran Canaria, El Hierro), and N Africa from Morocco to Egypt (except Sinai), S to N
    Mauritania, S Algeria, Niger (Aïr Massif) and NE Sudan.
  • Tyto alba guttata (C. L. Brehm, 1831)
    – C Europe E to Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine, and SE to Albania, Macedonia, Romania and
    NE Greece.
  • Tyto alba ernesti (O. Kleinschmidt, 1901)
    – Corsica and Sardinia.
  • Tyto alba erlangeri (W. L. Sclater, 1921)
    – Crete and smaller S Greek islands, Cyprus and patchily from Syria E to SW Iran and S to
    NE Egypt (Sinai) and S Arabian Peninsula.
  • Tyto alba stertens (E. J. O. Hartert, 1929)
    – Indian Subcontinent S to N Sri Lanka, and E to S China (Yunnan), Vietnam and S Thailand.
  • Tyto alba javanica (J. F. Gmelin, 1788)
    – Malay Peninsula (except extreme N) S to Greater and Lesser Sundas (E to Alor, and including Krakatau, Pulau Seribu, Kangean Is, Tanahjampea, Kalao, Kalaotoa and possibly S Borneo, but excluding Sumba).
  • Tyto alba sumbaensis (E. J. O. Hartert, 1897)
    – Sumba (SC Lesser Sundas).
  • Tyto alba delicatula (Gould, 1837) – Eastern Barn-owl
    – S & E Lesser Sundas (Sawu, Roti(?), Timor, Yaco, Wetar, Kisar and Tanimbar Is); Australia
    and offshore islands; Long I and possibly N New Britain and New Ireland; also Nissan, Buka
    and Bougainville through Solomon Is, S Vanuatu (Erromanga, Tanna, Aneityum), New Caledonia, Loyalty Is, Fiji (N to Rotuma), Tonga (N to Niafo’ou), Wallis and Futuna Is,
    Niue I, Western Samoa and Samoa.
  • Tyto alba meeki (Rothschild & E. J. O. Hartert, 1907)
    – E New Guinea and nearby islands of Manam and Karkar.
  • Tyto alba crassirostris (Mayr, 1935)
    – Tanga Is (E of New Ireland, in Bismarck Archipelago).
  • Tyto alba interposita (Mayr, 1935)
    – Santa Cruz Is, Banks Is, N Vanuatu (S to Efate).
  • Tyto alba punctatissima (Gould & G. R. Gray, 1838) – Galapagos Barn-owl
    – Galapagos Is.
  • Tyto alba bargei (E. J. O. Hartert, 1892) – Curaçao Barn-owl
    – Curaçao, possibly also Bonaire.
  • Tyto alba pratincola (Bonaparte, 1838)
    – S Canada (SW British Columbia and S Ontario) S through USA at least to Mexico; also Bermuda, Bahamas and Hispaniola.
  • Tyto alba furcata (Temminck, 1827) – American Barn-owl
    – Cuba, Cayman Is and Jamaica.
  • Tyto alba niveicauda (Parkes & A. R. Phillips, 1978)
    – I of Pines.
  • Tyto alba guatemalae (Ridgway, 1874)
    – Guatemala and perhaps S Mexico to Panama (including Pearl Is), possibly to W Colombia.
  • Tyto alba bondi (Parkes & A. R. Phillips, 1978)
    – Bay Is (Roatán, Guanaja), off N Honduras.
  • Tyto alba contempta (E. J. O. Hartert, 1898)
    – Andes of W Venezuela, Colombia (possibly excluding W), Ecuador and Peru.
  • Tyto alba hellmayri (Griscom & Greenway, 1937)
    – E Venezuela (including Margarita I) through the Guianas to N Brazil (S to Amazon); also Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Tyto alba tuidara (J. E. Gray, 1829)
    – Brazil (S of Amazon) S to Tierra del Fuego and Falkland Is.
      Introduced (affinis) to Seychelles and (delicatula, pratincola) to Lord Howe I, where now
      presumed extirpated (few records since 1970s considered 
vagrants), and (pratincola) to Hawaii.

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Seberang Perak Paddyfield, Daerah Perak Tengah 中霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Kota Setia Paddyfield 哥打斯迪亚稻田区, Mukim Kota Setia
哥打斯迪亚巫金, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

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