Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 绒额䴓

Order - Passeriformes 雀形目
Family - Sittidae 䴓科

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Sitta frontalis
绒额䴓 (róng-é shī)

Malay 马来语 : Pepatuk Biasa
Japanese 日语 : アカハシゴジュウカラ (aka-hashi gojū-kara)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 赤嘴五十雀

      体长 : 12·5 厘米; 体重 : 8·5 – 17 克 (frontalis)
      Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地方分布
  • Sitta frontalis frontalis (Swainson, 1820)
    – Peninsular India, especially in hills (absent from large areas, e.g. N & NW,
    Gangetic Plain and Deccan plateau), Himalayan foothills from Kumaon E to
    NE India (S from Assam and Nagaland), Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, S China
    (W, S & SE Yunnan S to Xishuangbanna, C & S Guizhou, W Guangxi and W & S Guangdong), Myanmar, Thailand S to Isthmus of Kra (absent from C plains and much of NE), and Indochina.
  • Sitta frontalis saturatior (E. J. O. Hartert, 1902)
    – Malay Peninsula S of Isthmus of Kra (including Phuket, Penang and Singapore), Lingga Archipelago, Sumatra (including Simeulue I) and Bangka.
  • Sitta frontalis corallipes (Sharpe, 1888)
    – Borneo, including Maratua I (off E coast).
  • Sitta frontalis palawana (E. J. O. Hartert, 1905)
    – Palawan and Balabac, in W Philippines.
  • Sitta frontalis velata (Temminck, 1821)
    – Java.

Sitta frontalis ssp. saturatior
拍摄地点 :Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve 马登红树林保护区,
Daerah Larut, Matang & Selama 拉律, 马登 & 司南马县, Perak 霹雳州

Yungipicus moluccensis ssp. moluccensis (上)
Sitta frontalis ssp. saturatior (下)
拍摄地点 :Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve 马登红树林保护区,
Daerah Larut, Matang & Selama 拉律, 马登 & 司南马县, Perak 霹雳州

Sitta frontalis ssp. saturatior
拍摄地点 :Kledang Saiong Eco Forest Park, Bandar Meru Raya
梅鲁利亚市, Daerah Kinta 近打县, Perak 霹雳州

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