Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Common Kingfisher 普通翠鸟

Order - Coraciiformes 佛法僧目
Family - Alcedinidae 翠鸟科

Common Kingfisher
Alcedo atthis
普通翠鸟 (pǔ-tōng cuì-niǎo)

Malay 马来语 : Rajaudang Cicit
Japanese 日语 : カワセミ (hisui) / ショウビン (kawasemi) / ソニ (soni) /
                          ソニドリ (soni-dori) / ヒスイ (shōbin)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 川蝉 / 翡翠 / 魚狗 / 鴗

      体长 : 16 - 18 厘米
      Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Alcedo atthis ispida (Linnaeus, 1758)
    – S Norway, British Is and Spain (except S & E) E to W Russia and Romania; winters S to S Portugal, N Africa, Cyprus and Iraq.
  • Alcedo atthis atthis (Linnaeus, 1758) – Common Kingfisher
    – NW Africa and S & E Spain E to Bulgaria, Afghanistan and NW India, then N to C Siberia and NW China; winters S to Egypt, NE Sudan, Oman and Pakistan.
  • Alcedo atthis bengalensis (J. F. Gmelin, 1788)
    – C India E to SE Asia, S & E China (including Hainan), N to SE Siberia, E Mongolia and Japan; winters S to Greater Sundas, N Sulawesi, Sula Is, N Moluccas and Philippines.
  • Alcedo atthis taprobana (O. Kleinschmidt, 1894)
    – S India (S of R Godavari) and Sri Lanka.
  • Alcedo atthis floresiana (Sharpe, 1892)
    – Bali and Lesser Sundas E to Wetar and Timor.
  • Alcedo atthis hispidoides (Lesson, 1837) – Cobalt-eared Kingfisher
    – Sulawesi, Moluccas and W Papuan Is, and coastal E New Guinea from Sepik R and Aroa R to Bismarck Archipelago, D’Entrecasteaux Is and Louisiade Archipelago.
  • Alcedo atthis salomonensis (Rothschild & E. J. O. Hartert, 1905)
    – Nissan I (off E Bismarcks), and Solomon Is from Buka and Bougainville SE to Makira (San Cristobal).

Alcedo atthis ssp. bengalensis
拍摄地点:Kampung Chui Chak Paddyfield 水闸稻田区, Langkap 冷甲市,
Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

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