Friday, November 11, 2022

Green-backed Flycatcher 绿背姬鹟

Order - Passeriformes 雀形目
Family - Muscicapidae 鹟科

Green-backed Flycatcher
Ficedula elisae
绿背姬鹟 (lǜ-bèi jī wēng)

Malay 马来语 : Sambar Kunyit Hijau
Japanese 日语 : キムネビタキ (kimune bitaki)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 黄胸鶲

    Taxonomy update for 2014
Within Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina, the monotypic group Narcissus Flycatcher (Green-backed) Ficedula narcissina elisae is elevated to species rank as Green-backed Flycatcher Ficedula elisae, following Zhang et al. (2006). Green-backed Flycatcher breeds in northeastern China (Shanxi and Hebei); migrates to southern China, Hainan, and southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaya, and Vietnam). most records were retained as Narcissus Flycatcher, except those from within the breeding range or from southern Thailand and Malaya, where Narcissus is very rare. :
- Green-backed Flycatcher (Ficedula elisae)
- Narcissus Flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina)

      体长 : 13 – 13·5 厘米; 体重 : 11 – 12 克

      Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Monotypic. (Weigold, 1922, eastern imperial cemetery near Peking)
    – Breeds E China (NE Hebei and Shanxi); non-breeding S Thailand and
    Peninsular Malaysia.

拍摄地点:Maxwell Foothill 太平山脚, Taiping 太平市,
Daerah Larut, Matang & Selama 拉律, 马登 & 司南马县, Perak 霹雳州

拍摄地点:Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam (TBNSA) 莎阿南国家植物公园,
Shah Alam 莎亚南市, Daerah Petaling 八打灵县, Selangor 雪兰莪州

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