Friday, December 2, 2022

Crested Serpent-eagle 大冠鹫/蛇雕

Order - Accipitriformes 鹰形目
Family - Accipitridae 鹰科

Crested Serpent-eagle
Spilornis cheela
大冠鹫 (dà guān-jiù) / 蛇雕 (shé-diāo)

Malay 马来语 : Helang-Kuik Biasa
Japanese 日语 : カンムリワシ (kanmuri washi)
                           ミナミカンムリワシ (minami kanmuri washi)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 冠鷲

      体长 : 65 - 75 厘米. 翼展:123 - 155 厘米. 体重:420 - 1800 克
      Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Spilornis cheela perplexus (Swann, 1922) – Ryukyu Serpent-eagle
    – S Ryukyu Is (Miyako Is, Yaeyama Is).
  • Spilornis cheela cheela (Latham, 1790) – Crested Serpent-eagle
    – extreme NE Pakistan (rare) and N India E to Nepal, Assam and NE & C Bangladesh; winter visitor in Gangetic Plain.
  • Spilornis cheela melanotis (Jerdon, 1841)
    – peninsular India S from Gujarat and Gangetic Plain.
  • Spilornis cheela spilogaster (Blyth, 1852)
    – Sri Lanka.
  • Spilornis cheela burmanicus (Swann, 1920)
    – Myanmar, S China, Thailand and Indochina.
  • Spilornis cheela davisoni (A. O. Hume, 1873)
    – Andaman Is.
  • Spilornis cheela ricketti (W. L. Sclater, 1919)
    – SC & SE China and N Vietnam.
  • Spilornis cheela hoya (Swinhoe, 1866)
    – Taiwan.
  • Spilornis cheela rutherfordi (Swinhoe, 1870)
    – Hainan.
  • Spilornis cheela malayensis Swann, 1920)
    – Malay Peninsula (from S Tenasserim), Anambas Is (off E Peninsular Malaysia) and N Sumatra.
  • Spilornis cheela batu (Meyer de Schauensee & Ripley, 1940)
    – Batu Is (off W Sumatra) and mainland S Sumatra.
  • Spilornis cheela palawanensis (W. L. Sclater, 1919)
    – W Philippines (Calamian Is and Palawan group).
  • Spilornis cheela pallidus (Walden, 1872)
    – lowlands of N Borneo.
  • Spilornis cheela richmondi (Swann, 1922)
    – S Borneo.
  • Spilornis cheela bido (Horsfield, 1821)
    – Java and Bali.
  • Spilornis cheela minimus A. O. Hume, 1873) – Central Nicobar Serpent-eagle
    – C Nicobar Is.
  • Spilornis cheela abbotti (Richmond, 1903) – Simeulue Serpent-eagle
    – Simeulue I (off W Sumatra).
  • Spilornis cheela asturinus (A. B. Meyer, 1884) – Nias Serpent-eagle
    – Nias I (off W Sumatra).
  • Spilornis cheela sipora (Chasen & Kloss, 1926) – Mentawai Serpent-eagle
    – Mentawai Is (off W Sumatra).
  • Spilornis cheela natunensis Chasen, 1934 – Natuna Serpent-eagle
    – N Natuna Is (off W Borneo) and Belitung I (off SE Sumatra).
  • Spilornis cheela baweanus Oberholser, 1917 – Bawean Serpent-eagle
    – Bawean I (off N Java).

    Also occurs (race undescribed) in S Nicobar Is (Menchal, Kondul, Great Nicobar).

Spilornis cheela ssp. malayensis
拍摄地点:West Coast Expressway (WCE) 西海岸高速大道 Sitiawan Utara-Beruas,
Sitiawan 实兆远市, Daerah Manjung 曼绒县, Perak 霹雳州

Spilornis cheela ssp. malayensis
拍摄地点:Jalan A101, Pekan Temerlok 淡不落镇, Trong 直弄市, Mukim Trong 直弄巫金,
Daerah Larut, Matang & Selama 拉律, 马登及司南马县, Perak 霹雳州

Spilornis cheela ssp. malayensis
拍摄地点:Roadside of West Coast Expressway 西海岸大道 (路边),
Kampung Sijagop, Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

Spilornis cheela ssp. malayensis
拍摄地点:Kampung Chui Chak Paddyfield 水闸稻田区, Langkap 冷甲市,
Daerah Hilir Perak 下霹雳县, Perak 霹雳州

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