Thursday, February 2, 2023

Wood Sandpiper 鹰斑鹬/林鹬

Order - Charadriiformes 鸻形目
Family - Scolopacidae 鹬科

Wood Sandpiper
Tringa glareola
鹰斑鹬 (yīng bān yù) / 林鹬 (lín yù)

Malay 马来语 : Kedidi Sawah
Japanese 日语 : タカブシギ (taka-bu shigi)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 鷹斑鷸 / 鷹斑鴫

      体长 : 19 – 23 厘米; 体重 34 – 98 克; 翼展 : 54 – 57 厘米

      Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Monotypic. (Linnaeus, 1758, Sweden)
    – N & C Europe through C Siberia to Anadyrland, Kamchatka and Commander Is, and NE China; occasionally Aleutian Is. Winters mainly in tropical and subtropical Africa and across S & SE Asia to S China, Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea and Australia.

拍摄地点:Batu Kawan 峇都交湾市, Mukim 13 十三巫金,
Daerah Timur Laut 东北县, Pulau Pinang 槟城州

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