Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Greater Yellownape 大黄冠啄木鸟/大黄冠绿啄木鸟

Order 目 - Piciformes 䴕形目
Family 科 - Picidae 啄木鸟科

Greater Yellownape
Chrysophlegma flavinucha
大黄冠啄木鸟 (dà huáng-guān zhuó-mù-niǎo) /
大黄冠绿啄木鸟 (dà huáng-guān lǜ zhuó-mù-niǎo)

Malay 马来语 : Belatuk-Hijau Besar
Japanese 日语 : キエリアオゲラ (ki-eri ao-gera)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 黄襟青啄木鳥

    体长 : 32–35 厘米; 体重 : 153–198 克
    Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Chrysophlegma flavinucha [flavinucha or lylei] (Gould, J 1834)
    – Foothills from central Nepal to northeastern and eastern India (south to Odisha and northern Andhra Pradesh) and east to Myanmar, southern China (southern Sichuan, Yunnan) and northern Vietnam.
  • Chrysophlegma flavinucha kumaonense (Koelz, WN 1950)
    – Himalayan foothills northern N India (Uttarakhand) and possibly to western Nepal.
  • Chrysophlegma flavinucha styani (Ogilvie-Grant, WR 1899)
    – Hainan I. and immediately adjacent mainland China.
  • Chrysophlegma flavinucha ricketti (Styan, FW 1898)
    – N Vietnam (Tonkin) to se China (Fujian).
  • Chrysophlegma flavinucha pierrei (Oustalet, J-FÉ 1889)
    – SE Thailand to s Vietnam.
  • Chrysophlegma flavinucha mystacale (Salvadori, AT 1879)
    – N Sumatra.
  • Chrysophlegma flavinucha korinchi (Chasen, FN 1940)
    – SW Sumatra.
  • Chrysophlegma flavinucha wrayi (Sharpe, RB 1888)
    – Highlands of Malay Peninsula.

Chrysophlegma flavinucha ssp. wrayi (雌)
拍摄日期 : 2024年5月19日
拍摄地点 : Jalan High Pines, Fraser's Hill 福隆港, Mukim Tras 都赖巫金,
Daerah Raub 劳勿县, Pahang 彭亨州

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