Thursday, July 18, 2024

Changeable Hawk-eagle 凤头鹰/凤头鹰雕

Order - Accipitriformes 鹰形目
Family - Accipitridae 鹰科

Changeable Hawk-eagle
Nisaetus cirrhatus
凤头鹰 (fèng-tóu yīng) / 凤头鹰雕 (fèng-tóu yīng-diāo)

Malay : Helang-Hindik Biasa
Japanese : カワリクマタカ (kawari kuma-taka)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 変り熊鷹

    Taxonomy update for 2013
Changeable Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus limnaeetus) is split into two species; Crested Hawk-eagle occurs in peninsular India and Sri Lanka, while Changeable occurs throughout the rest of the range including much of Southeast Asia. :
- Changeable Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus limnaeetus)
- Crested Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus)

Taxonomy update for 2019
Crested Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) and Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus limnaeetus) are now lumped as Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus), which brings our taxonomy into alignment with other global authorities such as the IOC and HBW/Birdlife. The two former species are retained as identifiable subspecies groups. :
- Changeable Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus limnaeetus)
- Crested Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus)

       体长 : 51 – 82 厘米; 体重 : 1300 – 1900 克; 翼展 : 100 – 160 厘米
       Subspecies (5) and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus (Gmelin, JF 1788) – Crested Hawk-eagle
    – Peninsular India.
  • Nisaetus cirrhatus ceylanensis (Gmelin, JF 1788)
    – Sri Lanka.
  • Nisaetus cirrhatus andamanensis (Tytler, RC 1865)
    – Andaman Islands.
  • Nisaetus cirrhatus limnaeetus (Horsfield, T 1821) – Changeable Hawk-eagle
    – N India to Indochina, Malaya, Greater Sundas and Philippines.
  • Nisaetus cirrhatus vanheurni (Junge, GCA 1936)
    – Simeulue I. (off w Sumatra).

Nisaetus cirrhatus ssp. limnaeetus (浅色型)
拍摄地点:Jalan Tanjung Tualang, Batu Gajah 华都牙也市,
Mukim Sungai Terap 双溪德腊巫金, Daerah Kinta 近打县, Perak 霹雳州

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