Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Malaysian / Sunda Pied Fantail 斑扇尾鹟

Order - Passeriformes 雀形目
Family - Rhipiduridae 扇尾鹟科

Malaysian Pied Fantail / Sunda Pied Fantail
Rhipidura javanica
斑扇尾鹟 (bān shàn-wěi-wēng)

Malay : Murai-Gila Biasa
Japanese : ムナオビオウギビタキ (muna-obi ōgi-bitaki)
Kanji 日语汉字 : 胸帯扇鶲

Taxonomy update for 2014
Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica), is split into two species, with 
Philippine Pied Fantail occupying the Philippines & Sulu Archipelago, 
and Sunda / Malaysian Pied Fantail occurring throughout the rest of the 
species’ wide range in Southeast Asia :
- Sunda / Malaysian Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica)
- Philippine Pied Fantail (Rhipidura nigritorquis)

      体长 : 17.5 - 19.5 厘米, 体重 : 14 - 19 克

      Subspecies (2) and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Rhipidura javanica longicauda (Wallace, AR 1865)
    – SE Asia to Sumatra, Borneo and adjacent islands.
  • Rhipidura javanica javanica (Sparrman, A 1788)
    – Java and Bali; single record from Lombok.

Rhipidura javanica ssp. longicauda (成鸟 & 雏鸟)
拍摄地点:Gua Tempurung 椰壳洞, Gopeng 务边市, Mukim Teja 迪遮巫金,
Daerah Kampar 金宝县, Perak 霹雳州

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