Sunday, July 10, 2022

Oriental Paradise-flycatcher / Blyth's Paradise-flycatcher 中南寿带/布来氏寿带

Order 目 - Passeriformes 雀形目
Family 科 - Monarchidae 王鹟科

Oriental Paradise-flycatcher /
Blyth's Paradise-flycatcher
Terpsiphone affinis
布来氏寿带 (bù lái shì shòu dài) / 中南寿带 (zhōng nán shòu dài)

Malay 马来语 : Murai-Gading Biasa
Japanese 日语 : ブライスサンコウチョウ (bu ra-i-su sankōchō)
Kanji 日語漢字 : ブライス三光鳥

Taxonomy update for 2015
Asian Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi) is split into three
species, with Amur Paradise-Flycatcher breeding in eastern China, Kamchatka, and Japan, Blyth’s Paradise-Flycatcher widely in Southeast
Asia from S China, Myanmar, and Indochina to Indonesia, and Indian Paradise-Flycatcher in Afghanistan and Pakistan to Bangladesh, including
Sri Lanka and India south of the Himalayas.

All three taxa migrate through Thailand and winter in Malaysia.
This species will be particularly complicated to assign in eBird.
We also have the option Japanese/Amur Paradise-Flycatcher,
which should be used in eBird to apply to all four species
including Indian Paradise-Flycatcher and Blyth’s Paradise-Flycatcher (essentially, a “paradise-flycatcher sp.” for Asia). We will update
this species name in 2016. Until then we encourage careful
documentation of paradise-flycatchers on migration and wintering
grounds in Asia :
- Chinese / Amur Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone incei)
- Oriental / Blyth’s Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone affinis)
- Indian Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi)

      体长 : 20 厘米 (excluding male’s elongated central rectrices, 
                  which may project up to 30 cm beyond others); 体重 : 20 – 22 克

      Subspecies and Distribution 亚成 & 地理分布
  • Terpsiphone affinis affinis [affinis] (Blyth, 1846)
    – Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Riau and Lingga arch., Bangka, Belitung Is.
  • Terpsiphone affinis affinis [madzoedi] (Blyth, 1846)
    – N Sumatra.
  • Terpsiphone affinis affinis [australis] (Blyth, 1846)
    – S Sumatra and Java.
  • Terpsiphone affinis nicobarica (Oates, 1890)
    – C Nicobar Is.
  • Terpsiphone affinis burmae (Salomonsen, 1933)
    – C Myanmar.
  • Terpsiphone affinis indochinensis (Salomonsen, 1933)
    – E Myanmar, S China (S Yunnan) and Thailand E to Indochina.
  • Terpsiphone affinis procera (Richmond, 1903)
    – Simeulue I (off NW Sumatra).
  • Terpsiphone affinis insularis (Salvadori, 1887)
    – Nias I (off NW Sumatra).
  • Terpsiphone affinis borneensis (E. J. O. Hartert, 1916)
    – Borneo.
  • Terpsiphone affinis sumbaensis (A. B. Meyer, 1894)
    – Sumba I (Lesser Sundas).
  • Terpsiphone affinis floris (Büttikofer, 1894)
    – Sumbawa, Flores, Lembata, Alor (Lesser Sundas).

Terpsiphone affinis ssp. affinis [affinis] (雄 & 幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Daerah Hulu Langat 乌鲁冷岳县,Selangor 雪兰莪州

Terpsiphone affinis ssp. affinis [affinis] (雄 & 幼鸟)
拍摄地点:Daerah Hulu Langat 乌鲁冷岳县,Selangor 雪兰莪州

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