Thursday, November 17, 2022

Nankeen Night-heron 棕夜鹭

Order - Pelecaniformes 鹈形目
Family - 
Ardeidae 鹭科

Nankeen Night-heron
Nycticorax caledonicus
棕夜鹭 (zōng yè lù)

Malay 马来语 : Pucung-Kuak Merah
Japanese 日语 : ハシブトゴイ (hashi-buto goi)
Kanji 日語漢字 : 嘴太五位

      体长 : 55 – 65 厘米; 体重 : 550 – 1014 克; 翼展 : 95 – 116 厘米
      Subspecies and Distribution 亚种 & 地理分布
  • Nycticorax caledonicus caledonicus (Gmelin, JF 1789)
    – New Caledonia.
  • Nycticorax caledonicus crassirostris (Vigors, NA 1839)
    – formerly Bonin Islands; extinct since the late 1800s.
  • Nycticorax caledonicus manillensis (Vigors, NA 1831)
    – Philippines, e Borneo and Sulawesi.
  • Nycticorax caledonicus pelewensis (Mathews, GM 1926)
    – Palau and Caroline islands.
  • Nycticorax caledonicus mandibularis (Ogilvie-Grant, WR 1888)
    – Bismarck Archipelago to Solomon Islands.
  • Nycticorax caledonicus australasiae (Vieillot, LJP 1823)
    – Australia and New Guinea, west to Java.

Nycticorax caledonicus ssp. manillensis
拍摄地点:Kampung Sembulan, Kota Kinabalu 亚庇市,
Daerah Kota Kinabalu 亚庇县, Bahagian Pantai Barat 西海岸省, Sabah 沙巴州

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